Very simply, a baseball strike crisis occurs because of something you are doing that is mechanically wrong when swinging the bat (or) may be something you did well and now it does not. In other words, or has developed a bad habit or who have absconded from a good habit.
This is why we have to hit the bus is also due to a large beaters, some are professionals, and sometimes get off track. No matter how good the hitter is, it can be a very common problem with many succumbs to the dreaded slump hit. This is one reason why a very good hitting coach, is very valuable.
Once you understand what the problem is mechanical, you can take advantage of "drill soft toss", so you can find an appropriate way to repeat many times. You can get many repetitions without a shot, and the use of "soft toss" to accelerate the time to get back on track. You can hit the ball a hundred in no time at all.One of the better baseball coaching tips to remember is that all players go through hitting slumps. Hang in there and get to work and you will get back on track.