Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today’s Best Rated Running Shoes

For runners at every level, picking the right running shoe is essential for performance, safety and health; therefore, a small amount of research is recommended. There are several reputable sources for running shoe reviews; however, not even an award-winning shoe will fit every runner’s foot. Instead, the best running shoes are generally designed to suit specific types of feet and runners.

The first step to choosing a running shoe is to establish what category your foot falls under. There are three primary types of feet: the normal arch, the high arch and the flat arch. The second important factor to consider is pronation, or the action of the foot during movement as the body’s weight strikes at the heel and moves through to the toes. Runners with normal or neutral arches are generally normal pronators.

If you are looking for the best rated running shoes, Runner’s World Magazine is one of the most respected sources for reviews. For the publication’s latest Summer 2009 Running Shoe Guide, the shoe quality was evaluated based on cushioning, flexibility and responsiveness while considering its dual ability to minimize the shock of the heel strike and still permit the foot to move naturally.